Good morning everyone,
It’s ice cream day today!
Today we have our 100% attendance reward bouncy castle. Well done to all of the children who achieved 100% attendance. I would like to say well done also to all the children who just missed out on this. You have all helped the school to maintain a good rate of attendance throughout the year- thank you.
We also have our Year 6 leaver’s event after school. Year 6 parents please don’t forget that you are invited to morning tea tomorrow morning.
We attended the Astrea Sports awards evening on Monday evening and I am thrilled to share with you that the following are the results for our school:
Sports Day results
1st Yellow 99 points
2nd Red 92
3rd Green 66
4th Blue 47
1st Green 127
2nd Red 116
3rd Blue 90
4th Yellow 47
Overall Results
1st – Red 208
2nd – Green 193
3rd – Yellow 146
4th – Blue 137
Have a good day
Mrs Mason
Doncaster News
Parents and carers – we want to hear from you
We are planning childcare needs across Doncaster to ensure we have enough provision for our families in the future.
We are interested in your childcare situation and what your future needs may be.
Please complete this survey and help us plan and support the childcare provision in Doncaster.
Childcare Needs Survey 2023
Click here for the Active Fusion summer camp taking place at De Warenne Academy.
Music opportunities in Doncaster.
Remember if children read at least 3 times in the week and have their reading diary signed they can earn stickers on their chart. These stickers earn the children a prize for each milestone they hit. We will also feature their photo in the school hall and in this news post. So please support your child to read as much as possible. Thank you.
Key Dates
20th Year 6 leavers morning tea.
21st End of term- Non uniform day and games.