School Alerts

Summer 2 News Week 7 July 20th 2023

Good morning everyone,

Year 6 parents please don’t forget that you are invited to morning tea today.

Today the children will meet their new teachers and spend time in their classrooms. You should have received a letter about this.  Please speak to your child about this and speak to someone if there any questions. Please also speak to us if you have any questions about your child’s report. Don’t forget you can have a paper copy of the report.

Have a good day

Mrs Mason

Doncaster News

Parents and carers – we want to hear from you

We are planning childcare needs across Doncaster to ensure we have enough provision for our families in the future.

We are interested in your childcare situation and what your future needs may be.

Please complete this survey and help us plan and support the childcare provision in Doncaster.

Childcare Needs Survey 2023


De Warrene

Click here for the Active Fusion summer camp taking place at De Warenne Academy.



Music opportunities in Doncaster.


 Remember if children read at least 3 times in the week and have their reading diary signed they can earn stickers on their chart. These stickers earn the children a prize for each milestone they hit. We will also feature their photo in the school hall and in this news post. So please support your child to read as much as possible. Thank you.

Maintaining good attendance at school- parents’ guide.

Key Dates


21st End of term- Non uniform day and games.

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Good morning everyone, I am so hoping that the rain holds off! Reminder – Sports …

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