School Alerts

Autumn 2 News Week 1 November 26th 2021

Good morning,

It’s Friday and the weekend is almost here. Yesterday I gave out our new certificates. These are for children who demonstrate the Astrea values- scholarship, tenacity, curiosity, aspiration and happiness.

Please also see our Xmas dates below.


We are aware that some children are using Snapchat on their mobile phones at home late into the evening. The minimum age for this is 13 years old. We wanted to make you aware so that you can be mindful of what apps your child is accessing.


Wonderland (FS1/2) Jaxon- you earn the tenacity certificate for not giving up during your phonics sessions. Well done!

Kayven- you earn the tenacity certificate for good concentration.

 Joshua – you earn the scholarship certificate for trying to achieve as highly as he can. He always brings his book bag to school and reads at home every day! Keep it up, Joshua and reach for the stars!
Neverland (Y2) Bruce- you earn the scholarship certificate for trying exceptionally hard with your maths.
Narnia (Y3)  Amy- you earn the scholarship certificate  for always being ready to learn and always trying her best in every lesson
Secret Garden (Y4/5) Lewis –   trying hard with his maths work
Treasure Island (Y5/6) Layton- you earn the tenacity certificate for really listening well and sticking at your work,

Alex- you earn the scholarship certificate for consistently following all school rules and being always ready to learn.


Well done Archie, Latoya and Nyel for sharing some fantastic maths work with me- 5 Dojo points earned.

Well done Peter, Owen, Leon and Maddox for sharing some super work with me- 5 Dojo points earned.


Our behaviour strategy

I hope that at the end of each day the children will tell you all about getting their photograph on the pupil recognition board. The aim of this is to recognise when children are making the correct choices and their behaviour means that they and everyone else can learn.

Please download the app so that you can see how many Dojo points your child has earned.

I hope you have a good day and please let me know if you have any questions about our behaviour strategy.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Mason


Advance Warning.

We will be organising a Christmas raffle- more information soon.

10th December -Christmas jumper and dinner day.

The last week of term is class party week.

17th December -School closes for Christmas.


Christmas productions Covid style- this year we will record our Christmas creations so that you can view them at home.

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