School Alerts

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

Foundation Stage 2- France Class.

Welcome to our class website.

Our class teachers are Miss Beeley and Mrs Hemingway.

Over this year we will learn lots of new things.

At Denaby Main Primary Academy, we follow the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Framework (EYFS) in our Foundation Stage setting for Nursery and Reception and sometimes into Year One based on your child’s needs and development.

The EYFS Curriculum covers child development from 0-5 years. This stage of your child’s development is extremely important as it enables them to learn the foundations necessary for future learning and successes. Your child’s Early Years experience should be exciting, fun, active and secure with their development, care and learning needs supported.

What is the EYFS Curriculum?

The EYFS framework was developed by many early years experts, professionals and parents and it explains what your child will be learning based on age related developmental milestones and also how healthy development will be supported.

Click here for a summary of the Early Learning Goals.

A-parents-guide-to-EYFS elgs-guide-for-parents

Click here to see our summer overview

MTP Overview Summer 2


How will your child be learning?

Your child will be learning new skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through the seven areas of learning.

Children should mostly develop the three prime areas first:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

These prime areas are those most essential for your child’s healthy development and future learning.   As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in four specific areas:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

The seven areas are used to plan your child’s learning and the activities available to them. At Denaby Main, we use a blended approach of In The Moment Planning (ITMP) and adult led activities based on specific skills that need to be taught. ITMP is child initiated and child led planning where the focus is on children’s interests and their unique needs and they lead the learning in the setting. However, we are also aware that in some instances our children require additional stimuli and the staff in the setting provide this in the form of adult initiated and led sessions where the teaching of specific skills compliments and runs alongside the children’s independent learning.

At the end of your child’s Reception year at Denaby Main, we will use the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) from the seven areas of learning to assess your child’s development. If they have met the majority of ELGs and are secure within them, they will be assessed as expected. If they are working towards the ELGs they are emerging. The assessments are based on what your child can do NICE (Naturally, Independent, Consistent, Embedded).

We will use a combination of our classroom observations, knowledge of the child from school and contributions from home and work the children complete to inform our final judgements.

At Denaby Main, we are partners in your child’s learning and we value the learning experiences and activities the do at home to support their learning and development. These activities are important and have a lasting effect on your child’s learning as they progress through school. For example; talking, listening, reading, singing nursery rhymes, cooking and baking and playing outside with them. You can contribute to your child’s learning journey by taking photographs and bringing in learning from home to show. Every child has their own learning journey and we actively encourage parents/carers, grandparents and other family members to contribute.

If you have questions please feel free to contact the school and our EYFS Lead, Miss Beeley will get back to you as soon as she can. 


Please see below for our Early Years Welcome Booklet:

Welcome Booklet 2020.21


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