School Alerts

The School Day

Our school day.

KS1 and KS2 day= 6.5 hours per day

The school week is 32.5 hours.

Nursery pupils have a 3 hour session.

8.30 am School gates open for parents to bring children onto the school site.

Morning nursery pupils start.

8.45 am Teachers open entrance doors for children to enter the classrooms.

10.40 am KS and KS2 playtime

11.30 am Morning nursery pupils finish

11.45 am EYFS lunchtime

12.15 pm Afternoon nursery starts.

12 pm KS1 lunchtime

12.15 pm KS2 lunchtime

12.55 pm afternoon lessons begin

Flexible afternoon playtime

3.15 pm school finishes


Children are encouraged to be punctual. School begins at 8.45am prompt and children must arrive no earlier than 8.30am for safety reasons as there will be no adult supervision before this time.

Teachers assemble the children in the playground at 8.45am and accompany their children into class. After this time pupils should enter through the main office reception area.

The nursery class one of the two 3 hour sessions: 8.30am-11.30am and 12:15pm – 3:15pm

A Breakfast Club is run each day from 7.30am until 8.40 am. The cost is £1.00 which should be paid in advance on the MCAS app. This is a healthy way to start the day in a happy, social setting with various interesting activities provided.


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