School Alerts


At Denaby Main Primary Academy, the RE syllabus follows the Doncaster Agreed Syllabus for Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, created by SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) and follow the Early Years Framework areas of learning of ‘The World’ and ‘People and Communities’.

We believe at Denaby Main Primary Academy that RE both supports and strengthens what we aim to do in every aspect of school life. Our caring ethos and the value which we place on the development of the whole child spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and intellectually is reflected in the RE curriculum.

At Denaby Main Primary Academy, all pupils will have the opportunity to develop an understanding of world faiths, beliefs, values, and practices and their role in society. Children are offered opportunities to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues with reference to the teachings of the principal religions. Our curriculum develops an awareness of the fundamental questions of life arising from human experiences, and how religious beliefs and practices can relate to them and allows children to reflect on their own moral beliefs, values and experiences.

Children are enabled to express their own viewpoints in a thoughtful, reasoned and considerate way, while recognising the right of people to hold different beliefs within an ethnically and socially diverse society.

In KS1 and KS2 RE is allocated to one session a week and is taught discretely and as part of a cross-curricular approach to RE. Religious topics are also studied as part of our scheme of assemblies, particularly those given Thursdays.  The teaching of RE will involve some direct teaching and whole class, group, paired or individual activities. A range of teaching styles will be used including enquiry, exploration, discussion, asking and answering questions, artefacts, visits and faith visitors, to ensure pupils are actively engaged in learning.


While the statutory requirement for RE does not extend to children under compulsory school age, it can form a valuable part of the educational experience of children in the EYFS. EYFS follow the Development Matters to design, plan and deliver RE across the Statutory Framework for EYFS. Lessons and activities foster children’s learning and understanding of the world, including people and communities.

It can contribute particularly to:

· personal, social and emotional development

· communication, language and literacy

· knowledge and understanding of the world

· creative development.


Children will work individually, in pairs, in a group and in whole class discussions.

Open-ended questions are used to allow children to explain and unpick their understanding.

Engaging children with their learning and providing opportunities for self-assessment, consolidation, depth, and target setting.

Children will be able to share their experiences and discussion of Religious Education.


Please click on our curriculum documents to view the progression of RE.

EYFS Links to National Curriculum (Reception.)

EYFS Links to National Curriculum ( Nursery)

2023 KS1 Annual Plan – updated May 23

Annual Plan KS2 2023 – updated May 23

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