School Alerts

Spring 1 News Week 3 20th January 2022

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday some of our Year 5 and 6 children went swimming, This is part of the primary PE curriculum and is aimed at teaching all children to swim  25 metres before they leave primary school. This was the children’s second lesson and their confidence is really improving.

Congratulations to the class with the highest weekly attendance and winners of Attendance Trophy, certificate and a smiley face on our attendance league table
 w/c 3rd January – Oz
 w/c 10th January – Wonderland

Congratulations to Weekly 100% attendance winners who have won a certificate and reading book.

w/c 3rd January – Bruce (Neverland)
w/c 10th January – Elexis (Secret Garden)
Remember – the class with best overall attendance for half term wins a non-uniform day.
Congratulations to Early bird winners (arriving at school on time) and won a certificate and a prize
w/c 3rd January – Connor- Joe (Neverland)
w/c 10th January – Gracie (Treasure Island)
 Remember “Early bird” runs once a week – on a random day, children who arrive on time go into a prize draw for a certificate and prize.

We were awarded certificates

Wonderland Class

FS1- Ella Kelleher: For making a new classmate feel welcome and always doing good listening.

FS2: Nyla Gleadall: For always trying really hard with her phonics and choosing to continue to practice her handwriting.

Oz Class

Jaicey Purshouse for being a super learner. Great listening and looking skills!
Shayla Rose Kelleher for really persevering with your writing. Well done!

Neverland Class

Braxx Clarke, for staying focused, on task and trying his best with his Maths and English work.

Narnia Class

Ellie-Mae for her fantastic attitude to learning! She always has her hand up and she has shown a brilliant understanding in maths when we have been learning the very tricky column method for addition- amazing work!

Secret Garden Class

Aaliyah Hamshaw- The empathy certificate for your wonderful caring and helpful nature. You help others and put others first. Thank you for being a great role model in our class.
Samuel Yates aspiration- The aspiration certificate for always going the extra mile.

Treasure Class

Ethan Andrews – tenacity (being determined to complete his work to a good standard, especially in English).

Callum Robertson for the effort and work put into his new English group and generally trying hard in maths
Maddox for putting 100% effort into everything he does at every point of the school day

Please respond by Friday- thank you

Relationship, Sex and Health Education Policy

Please help us to move forward with our RSHE curriculum by contributing to our survey and reading our policy- thank you.

You may remember that last year the school launched a new Relationship, Sex and Health Education policy (RSHE.) I have been reviewing this in the last few weeks and I am now asking for your help with this. I have added the policy to our website in the policy section and you can also read it here if you click this link.

RSE policy updated 2021

Please can I ask that you read our policy and respond to the questionnaire which we will send you on our app. Below I have copied the questions so that you can see them before you take the questionnaire. Your feedback will be really valuable and allow me to build this into our teaching. If you would prefer to speak to me about this on the path in the morning then please do this. Thank you in advance for your help.

RSE Parent Questionnaire

Please click on the link below to fill in a short questionnaire:


Being a great learner.

We have been talking about what makes an effective learner- good looking, listening and speaking and being a good team worker.




Pen Licence

Hopefully at some point your child will come home and tell you that they are working towards their pen licence. Children will earn this when they demonstrate they can use fluent, neat and legible joined handwriting throughout their work. We do have a number of Year 3, 5 and 6 children who have already earned their licence so well done to them.

Our behaviour strategy

The children have chose their end of term reward and are now working towards this. This term’s target will be 40 leaves. I wonder which class will reach the target first? I hope that at the end of each day the children will tell you all about getting their photograph on the pupil recognition board. The aim of this is to recognise when children are making the correct choices and their behaviour means that they and everyone else can learn.

Primary Behaviour Policy – Denaby Main

Please download the app so that you can see how many Dojo points your child has earned.

I hope you have a good day and please either speak to me on the path or make an appointment if you have any concerns.

Thank you.

Mrs Mason

My Child At School app.

We would like to thank our parents/carers for taking the time in setting up the My Child At School app. We will soon be introducing all dinner payments, breakfast payments, school trips etc from this app too so you will have everything in one place. Details of this will follow in the near future.

How to set up.

Please call at the school office if you are needing further support with the My Child At School App.

How to set up the My Child At School App You have been sent an email with an invitation code and link to

Open link and you must first click on “Redeem Invitation Code” – this is not your password!

Simply follow the onscreen instructions to set up your account and create your own password.

If you have multiple children at our school, you can view all information via this one account.

Once your account is set up you can now download the app on your smartphone or tablet by searching “My Child At School”.

A parent guide containing all information on how you can use the My Child At School App was also sent via email.

Please note that in order for the App set up t work the Priority 1 contact email in our pupil database must match with the one you are setting it up on.

Important Changes to Covid Guidance

From 11th January guidance has changed and if your child has a positive LFD result you will no longer be required to get a confirmatory PCR test.

However if your child does have symptoms they will need to self-isolate and order a PCR test.

  • Please continue to use our one way system and maintain distance from other parents whilst dropping off and picking up. If this is not possible you may want to consider wearing a mask.
  • Windows and doors will be open in school to maintain a good air flow and children will be encouraged to wash their hands frequently.
  • Please do not send children to school if they exhibit any signs of being unwell and seek a PCR test if signs of Covid are present. Be aware that this could include the signs of a cold.
  • We hope that we do not have to close any year groups but if we do we will contact you straight away and explain the arrangements for working from home.
  • Be aware that any adult who is not exempt should wear a face covering in any communal area of the school and if attending a meeting
  • Since Wednesday 22 December, the 10-day self-isolation period for people who record a positive PCR test result for COVID-19 has been reduced to 7 days in most circumstances, unless you cannot test for any reason. Individuals may now take LFD tests on day 6 and day 7 of their self-isolation period. Those who receive two negative test results are no longer required to complete 10 full days of self-isolation. The first test must be taken no earlier than day 6 of the self-isolation period and tests must be taken 24 hours apart. This also applies to children under five, with LFD testing at parental or guardian discretion. If both these test results are negative, and the person does not have a high temperature, they may end their self-isolation after the second negative test result and return to school.

Attendance at Denaby Main Primary

At Denaby Main Primary Academy we understand the impact of good attendance and punctuality has on our children’s learning and we believe in rewarding good attendance and punctuality to engage and motivate our children.
We have many initiatives to support and celebrate attendance and punctuality so that it remains a high profile in school and with our families.
Click here to read our attendance newsletter.

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