School Alerts

Spring 2 Week 5 March 20th 2023

Good morning everyone,

I hope you have had a good weekend. This week Eco Council are getting involved in the DMBC litter pick. School Council will be finishing off labelling the playground and we will all celebrate World Poetry Day. Please read our remaining events dates below.

We enjoyed Red Nose Day

Please read our online safety tips

safe-and-healthy-habits-online (1)


Thank you for your parent survey returns- below are the results. We will now incorporate these into our planning.

Have a good day.

Mrs Mason

 Remember if children read at least 3 times in the week and have their reading diary signed they can earn stickers on their chart. These stickers earn the children a prize for each milestone they hit. We will also feature their photo in the school hall and in this news post. So please support your child to read as much as possible. Thank you.


Key Dates


Tuesday 21st- World Poetry Day

Thursday 30th- Bring a decorated egg to school and Easter disco.

Friday 31st March- Easter bonnet decorating competition.

Friday 31st March- End of term. School closes until Monday 17th April

Monday 17th April- return to school. Parents meetings week.


Mental Health and our Active Challenge.
We have introduced our new weekly fitness challenge. This week we are challenging the children to see how many press ups they can do. We have asked James and Katie as Head Boy and Girl to count.


Draft homework policy

We discussed our draft homework policy with the school. Our next steps is to take feedback from parents, pupils and teachers. More information soon.

Maintaining good attendance at school- parents’ guide.

Children’s University

We will be awarding hours to children who volunteer in school for example as a Playground Leader, Eco or School Councillor. Children also earn hours for taking part in lunchtime and after school clubs.

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