School Alerts

Summer 1 News Week 2 April 29th 2022

Good morning everyone,

The week has flown by and we are about to start a 3 day weekend- fingers crossed the weather will warm up. Yesterday in school we interviewed for a teacher to join us in September- more information to follow soon. Today we have our weekly Celebration Assembly. Below are the names of the children who will be awarded a certificate.

Wonderland Class

Tegan Chambers – for consistently listening to instructions and following classroom routines.

Mason Zurek – for trying his best in phonics and making good progress.

Oz Class

Sophia Ackerman for showing empathy by sharing and being kind to others.
Macie-Rae Dever for challenging herself to know more and for always listening.

Neverland Class

Braxx Clarke – Tenacity, he has worked really hard to stay on task and concentrate which has shown in his English work as he’s published his own story.

Narnia Class

Jacob Pearson for ‘tenacity’. Jacob has been working hard this week and trying his best to do all his work even if he has found it challenging!

Neve Foster for ‘aspiration’. Neve has been amazing in maths this week. We have been learning all about multiplication and division and she has shown a clear understanding of some tricky methods!


Secret Garden Class

Harley – his positive attitude towards learning and for a big improvement in the quality of his maths work.
Evie-Mae – she has been putting 100% into her writing and his making tremendous improvement.

Treasure Class 1


Treasure Class 11

Scarlett for tenacity – gaining in confidence.


School Uniform

We have a number of children coming to school wearing coloured trainers and jewellery. Can I reminded you that school footwear should be black and the only jewellery children should be wearing is a watch and small earrings if ears are pierced.

Book Fair

Please come into the school hall at the end of the day to look at the books on sale.

Please read below for our useful parent information.

Have a great day and a relaxing long weekend.

Mrs Mason


School Council Minutes.


Advance Dates for your diary.

Monday May 2nd- school closed for Public Holiday.

Monday May 9th- Year 6 test week.

Friday 20th May- KS1 Fusion Festival of Sport – Year 2 attending

Friday May 27th- Family Jubilee picnic from 12pm. School closes for 1/2 term.

Monday June 6th- School reopens.

Friday 24th June- KS2 Fusion Festival of Sport- Year 4 attending.

Friday 30th June- French Day




Doncaster Reading Challenge

KS2 children (Years 3- 6) have brought their Doncaster Reading Challenge folders home. Inside the folders you will find a reading map on which the children can record the books they read at home. During the summer term there will be certificates and prizes for children filling their map.


PE Kit

We will be encouraging all children to bring in the correct PE kit over the next few weeks.

  • Child to have a verbal warning the first time it is forgotten.
  • A text will be sent home on the second time it is forgotten.
  • A phone call home will happen on the third occasion (or speak to parents when they collect their child).

Please remember that children should not be wearing jewellery other than a watch and stud earrings. For PE these should be removed however if this is not possible we will supply the children with some tape to cover them up. This is for health and safety reasons.


Please download the app so that you can see how many Dojo points your child has earned.

Internet Safety.

This website has some useful guides.

Example guides

Parent Guide-How to Set Up Parental Controls for iPhone Apps

Parent Guide-Fortnite

Alright Charlie

This resource is designed for use with children aged 9-11 in primary schools and aims to highlight the warning signs of grooming in an age-appropriate way.  We might need to think about using a younger age group also, possibly Year 4.

The film below is seen through the eyes of Charlie who is groomed by Danny. The resource was designed in consultation with CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation) professionals, primary schools’ teachers and children in years 5 and 6 in primary schools. The resource is accessible to girls AND boys with the viewer never discovering Charlie’s gender.

I have attached the link as this might be useful to use we our children .

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