Good morning everyone,
We will award the following certificates today.
Elijah Garbutt and Noah Duke – For consistently trying their best in phonics
The whole class for being absolutely excellent this week.
Secret Garden
Lukas- impressive problem solving skills in maths
Brianna- use of effective language in her writing.
If you have any suitable prizes for our summer fair raffle please leave them at the school office. Thank you
Have a good day and a relaxing weekend (despite the rain!)
Mrs Mason
Reminder- Water in bottles
Please remember that for drinks during the day the children should bring a water bottle with water in it. We do also have cups available if they forget.
Juice and squash is permitted at lunchtime if your child brings a packed lunch.
Don’t forget you can wear your PE Kit on PE days.
We have been encouraging all children to wear the correct PE kit over the next few weeks.
- Child to have a verbal warning the first time it is forgotten.
- A text will be sent home on the second time it is forgotten.
- A phone call home will happen on the third occasion (or speak to parents when they collect their child).
Please remember that children should not be wearing jewellery other than a watch and stud earrings. For PE these should be removed however if this is not possible we will supply the children with some tape to cover them up. This is for health and safety reasons.
PE Kit
White t shirt
Black shorts or plain jogging trousers (in case we go outdoors)
School jumper/ cardigan ( in case we go outdoors)
Trainers/ plimsolls
Socks (children will be asked to remove these when we have indoor PE)
Enrichment Activities
We are aiming to have as broad a curriculum as possible for your children. To help with this this week we are launching our curriculum enrichment activities. These will take place each Friday.
Reception/ Nursery- Cake decorating
Year 1- Multi sports
Year 2- Gardening
Year 3- Yoga and Sumba
Year 4- Learning Dutch
Year 5 Weaving
Year 6- Learning to play Chess
Advance Dates for your diary.
Friday 17th June- Year 3 visit to Magna
Monday June 20th- Year 6 visit to Rosehill Park.
Tuesday June 21st- Make Music Day
Friday 24th June- KS2 Fusion Festival of Sport- Year 4 attending.
Monday 27th – Arts week
Wednesday 29th June- Sing up day
Friday 30th June- French Day
Friday 1st July- Year 4 to Magna
Thursday 7th July- Sports Day
Monday 11th July- Year 6 visit to Austerfield
Tuesday 19th July- Year 6 visit to Hatfield Water Park
Thursday 21st July 2pm- Summer Fair
Friday 22nd July- Reports sent out.
Monday 25th July- Class swop week
Thursday 28th July- non uniform and game day- End of term
Staff training days- Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th September
School reopens Wednesday 7th September
Links to Summer 2 curriculum
We are launching Children’s University in the next few weeks. We will be taking part in this because we want children to
- Feel they have grown in confidence and self-belief
- Enjoy new experiences, in new places and want to keep exploring
- Believe they have a broader range of essential skills
- Feel empowered to make positive choices about their future
- See learning that is fun, aspirational and lifelong
Internet Safety.
This website has some useful guides.
Example guides
Parent Guide-How to Set Up Parental Controls for iPhone Apps