Good morning everyone,
This morning we welcome 3 Ofsted inspectors into school. They will work with school staff and pupils over the next 2 days. You can share your views of the school by filling out the survey below.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Have a good day
Mrs Mason
Come and find out more after school on July 13th
School Council Notes
Homework will be given out on Friday for a Thursday return. Please support your child to remember to do this- thank you.

Music opportunities in Doncaster.
Remember if children read at least 3 times in the week and have their reading diary signed they can earn stickers on their chart. These stickers earn the children a prize for each milestone they hit. We will also feature their photo in the school hall and in this news post. So please support your child to read as much as possible. Thank you.
Children’s University
We will be awarding hours to children who volunteer in school for example as a Playground Leader, Eco or School Councillor. Children also earn hours for taking part in lunchtime and after school clubs.
Key Dates
10th and 11th July- Laurel and De Warenne Schools Year 6/7 transition
13th Class transition day – parents invited in the afternoon 2pm. Grounds afternoon.
17th Sports day- parents invited. If possible children to come to school wearing coloured tee shirt according to which team they are in.
18th July- Reports sent to parents (via the app) Papers copies on request.
19th Attendance award day. Year 6 leavers event after school.
20th Year 6 leavers morning tea.
21st End of term- Non uniform day