Good morning everyone,
Today we will award the following certificates
France Class
F1 and F2 all children for showing amazing resilience this week.
Canada Class
Australia Class
Shayla Kelleher – For trying really hard in all lessons and wanting to succeed.
Ella Bradley – For focusing on the task and recalling knowledge that we have learnt.
Egypt Class
All of Year 3 – resilience – This week in class we have seen how far the children have all come since the beginning of the year. They have grown so much in resilience that now if they make a mistake, they just get on with it where as at the beginning of the school year they would have got upset and cross at themselves.
Japan Class
Riley- for curiosity in science.
Brazil Class
Antarctica Class
Reminder – Sports Day is on Monday 17th July (depending on weather)
On Wednesday 19th July Canada class will be having a teddy bear picnic on the field with games, party food, ice cream and lollies. The children can wear their own clothes and bring in a teddy. We will provide the treats. This is the reward they chose for earning 40 golden leaves.
Have a good day
Mrs Mason
Click here for the Active Fusion summer camp taking place at De Warenne Academy.
Homework will be given out on Friday for a Thursday return. Please support your child to remember to do this- thank you.

Music opportunities in Doncaster.
Remember if children read at least 3 times in the week and have their reading diary signed they can earn stickers on their chart. These stickers earn the children a prize for each milestone they hit. We will also feature their photo in the school hall and in this news post. So please support your child to read as much as possible. Thank you.
Key Dates
17th Sports day- parents invited. If possible children to come to school wearing coloured tee shirt according to which team they are in.
18th July- Reports sent to parents (via the app) Papers copies on request.
19th Attendance award day. Year 6 leavers event after school.
20th Year 6 leavers morning tea.
21st End of term- Non uniform day